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264 lines (191 loc) · 8.88 KB

Dispatching TurboGears Python via FCGI

This confirmed to run on Mac OS X 10.4.7 under Turbogears 0.9.9 and 1.1a (so, no reason not to run under the 1.0b release).

Information was drawn from the Turbogears trac wiki which shows how to use NGINX to proxy to TG, and the nearby fastcgiexample page, the latter detailing the PHP/FCGI process.

This is for NGINX/FCGI/Turbogears


Substitute thoughout with the values relevant to your own set-up:

  • ${HOST} = localhost - (or whatever you choose)
  • ${PORT} = 8080 - (or whatever you choose)
  • ${NGINX} = /usr/local/nginx - location of NGINX installation
  • ${PROJECTBASE} /opt/projects/wiki20 - location of Turbogears project
  • ${PROJECTNAME} wiki20

Getting the required files

Two files are required to be created: ${NGINX}/scripts/ and ${NGINX}/scripts/${PROJECTNAME}.fcgi.

To create ${NGINX}/scripts/

$ mkdir ${NGINX}/scripts 
$ curl -o ${NGINX}/scripts/

To create ${NGINX}/scripts/${PROJECTNAME}.fcgi ...

Copy and paste the following to ${NGINX}/scripts/${PROJECTNAME}.fcgi. Edit the file, navigate to the "USER EDIT SECTION" and replace each instance of ${PROJECTBASE} and ${PROJECTNAME} with the corresponding values for your project.

# File name: project.fcgi
# This module provides the glue for running TurboGears applications behind
# FastCGI-enabled web servers. The code in this module depends on the fastcgi
# module downloadable from here:
# NOTE: The file needs to be placed in a location that is on the
# system path, such as the same the directory as the file
# or in the base directory of the TG app code.
# To configure this module, please edit the three variables in the "USER EDIT
# SECTION" before starting the TG application. Also remember to edit the
# top of this file with the correct Python installation information.

import cherrypy
import sys
import os
from os.path import *
import pkg_resources
import turbogears


# -- Users must edit this section --
code_dir = '${PROJECTBASE}' # (Required) The base directory of the TG app code.
root_class_name = '${PROJECTNAME}.controllers.Root' # (Required) The fully qualified Root class name.
project_module_name = '${PROJECTNAME}.config' # (Required) The config module name.
log_dir = '' # (Optional) The log directory. Default = code_dir.

class VirtualPathFilter(object):
    def on_start_resource(self):
        if not cherrypy.config.get('virtual_path_filter.on', False):
 prefix = cherrypy.config.get('virtual_path_filter.prefix', '')
 if not prefix:

 path = cherrypy.request.object_path
 if path == prefix:
     path = '/'
 elif path.startswith(prefix):
     path = path[len(prefix):]
     raise cherrypy.NotFound(path)
 cherrypy.request.object_path = path

def tg_init():
    """ Checks for the required data and initializes the application. """

    global code_dir
    global root_class_name
    global log_dir
    global project_module_name
    last_mark = 0

    # Input checks
    if not code_dir or not isdir(code_dir):
        raise ValueError("""The code directory setting is missing.
                            The fastcgi code will be unable to find
                            the TG code without this setting.""")

    if not root_class_name:
        raise ValueError("""The fully qualified root class name must
                            be provided.""")

    last_mark = root_class_name.rfind('.')

    if last_mark < 1 or last_mark + 1 == len(root_class_name):
        raise ValueError("""The user-defined class name is invalid.
                            Please make sure to include a fully
                            qualified class name for the root_class
                            value (e.g. wiki20.controllers.Root).""")


    # Change the directory so the TG log file will not be written to the
    # web app root.
    if log_dir and isdir(log_dir):
        log_dir = code_dir

    sys.stdout = open(join(log_dir, 'stdout.log'),'a')
    sys.stderr = open(join(log_dir, 'stderr.log'),'a')

    if exists(join(code_dir, "")):
        turbogears.update_config(configfile=join(code_dir, "dev.cfg"),modulename=project_module_name)
        turbogears.update_config(configfile=join(code_dir, "prod.cfg"),modulename=project_module_name)

    # Set environment to production to disable auto-reload and
    # add virutal path information.
        'global': {'server.environment': 'production'},
     '/' : { 'virtual_path_filter.on' : True,
     'virtual_path_filter.prefix' : '/bel.fcgi' }

    # Parse out the root class information for Cherrypy Root class.
    package_name = root_class_name[:last_mark]
    class_name = root_class_name[last_mark+1:]
    _temp = __import__(package_name, globals(), locals(), [class_name], -1)
    Root = getattr(_temp, class_name)
    Root._cp_filters = [VirtualPathFilter()]
    cherrypy.root = Root()

# Main section -
# Initialize the application, then start the server.

from fcgi import WSGIServer
cherrypy.server.start(initOnly=True, serverClass=None)

from cherrypy._cpwsgi import wsgiApp

Adjust the TurboGears configuration

Edit the ${PROJECTBASE}/dev.cfg or ${PROJECTBASE}/prod.cfg file (whichever you are using), uncomment the server.socket_port assignment and change ${PORT} to a value of your choice (make sure nothing else is running on that port, Tomcat defaults to 8080, as does Jetty. Save yourself some time and check first with a telnet localhost 8080, you should see Connection refused).

The relevant lines in prod/dev.cfg are:


Spawning a FastCGI TurboGears process

The lighttpd "spawn-fcgi" script is useful: download, compile and install lighttpd. Then (replacing ${HOST} and ${PORT} values appropriately), execute the following:

/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -a ${HOST} -p ${PORT} -u nobody -f ${NGINX}/scripts/${PROJECTNAME}.fcgi

NGINX configuration

Save the following into ${NGINX}/conf/fastcgi_params

fastcgi_param GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1;
fastcgi_param SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx;

fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $document_uri;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root;
fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol;

fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;
fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port;
fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr;
fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port;
fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name;

Add the following to the server section of the ${NGINX}/conf/nginx.conf configuration file, changing ${HOST} and ${PORT} as appropriate:

# static files
location ~ ^/(images|javascript|js|css|flash|media|static)/ {
  root ${PROJECTBASE}/${PROJECTNAME}/static;

location = /favicon.ico {
  root ${PROJECTBASE}/${PROJECTNAME}/static/images;

# pass all requests to FastCGI TG server listening on ${HOST}:${PORT}
location / {
  fastcgi_pass ${HOST}:${PORT};
  fastcgi_index index;
  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name;
  include conf/fastcgi_params;


Starting NGINX

Start NGINX with ${NGINX}/sbin/nginx. Point your browser to http://${HOST}:${PORT}/, your Turboears project should be serving via FastCGI. If so... congratulations.

Performance test software

Basic but usefully free

Good luck.


I left the IP address as because it worked for me, whereas did not. If you're experiencing difficulties connecting to, these are both alternative options: localhost:8080,